
Tzsarina Female FashionTech Platform

I believe that we all need more feminine leaders in our nowadays world. The feminine qualities of leadership have to do with sensitivity, empathy and cooperation. These qualities lead to fascinating process of change and transformation in order to find our path to happiness.


Tzsarina is new Female FashionTech Platform, where I will create a space for access, creation of knowledge and sharing it about Fashion and New Technologies, since we are becoming more dependable and integrated with devises, the influence of wearable’s dramatically increases!


Tzsarina and its spin-off project “Women of wearables”,  a sister of our London-based first European Women of Wearable’s platform and organization aiming to inspire, support and connect women in wearable and fashion tech. Its mission is to encourage more women and to participate in supporting its growing community of women and girls in tech space through events, workshops and mentorship!    

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